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Greetings From Harrogate...
Sunday, 24 September 2006
Air Force Ball
Topic: This and That

(I realized after I posted Friday's entry, that I might need to explain what a "Covert runner" is. :) Mark Covert was Larry's and my cross country and track coach at Antelope Valley Community College. He fostered in us an intense work ethic, and an insane competitiveness. Both of which in one form or another have stuck with me.)

I mentioned Friday that each time I've run with the HH's, the light has been different. Around the beginning of autumn here, the transition from long daylight hours to short ones is quite rapid. It's weird to me how quickly the change comes, because once the transition is made, it seems like it's dark forever until spring. Then in the spring, it quickly becomes light again and seems to stay that way until autumn. It's not at all a gradual thing, which I would think it would be.

Saturday the 16th was the Air Force Ball. Sarah was hired to do portraits at the ball, and asked me to be her assistant. The ball took place at the same venue the Army ball did. This time, we didn't have to dress up quite so much, as we wouldn't be eating with everyone else. We also didn't have to cover any of the ceremony. (The area where the ball took place was separated by a hallway from the area where we did the photos.) Business was brisk, which was nice. It kept us very busy and made the night fly by.

As the night progressed, we started to get very hungry. It's in Sarah's contract that she and her assistant get fed, which is a good thing because it seemed that we'd been overlooked. After Sarah had a word with the lady in charge, we found ourselves at a lovely private table in a quiet section of the hall. It was very nice! It was set just the same as the ones in the main ballroom. We were surprised, because we would have been more than happy to have just been handed a plate and a fork and found a place to sit near the photo backdrop. Sarah and I laughed because our private table and service (three people together brought us our meal!) would have made for a great date! We enjoyed our little bit of poshness. :)

The food was good. It was a sit-down dinner, as opposed to the buffet offered at the Army ball. For starters we could choose from fruit, or Yorkshire pudding. I was pretty hungry (and not too into melon), so I chose the pudding. It was really good. It had a savory gravy with lots of onions that reminded me of a thick French onion soup. Rolls and butter were included. We also got a salad - bacon salad! I thought of Larry (bacon is one of his very favorite foods). It was actually not bad, if a bit salty (their bacon here is more like ham). There was a sweet tomato dressing that set off the salty/savory bacon nicely.

The main entrée was beef and vegetables. Sarah and I were just starting on it when people started coming in for photos. Apparently there was a miscommunication, and people thought they had to get their photos taken between dinner and dessert (they were supposed to wait until after all the food was served, then come back for photos, if they hadn't gotten them done beforehand). Oh well. We asked some of the wait staff to make sure no one took our food.

Unfortunately after the rush, we returned to find out plates cleared. We were able to get fresh entrées (minus the veggies, which they were out of by then), as well as some dessert (which was served buffet style, and Sarah very kindly brought me back some so I didn't have to wait in line). The dessert was cute - everything was miniature! There was a little éclair type pastry, strawberries and chocolate, a truffle sort of chocolate, and sticky toffee pudding. Yum!

After everyone had dessert, there was another mad rush of photos. There was a crazy group photo at the end that had to have had a least a couple dozen people in it. I don't know how Sarah kept her cool!

It was pretty late by the time we were done. I'm so glad Sarah asked me to assist her. Even though we weren't participants in the ball, but rather were working at it, it was still a lot of fun.

(I am going to close for now. I still have odds and ends and things about Ryan to write. However, I wanted to at least start to catch up, and post something!)

Posted by hkvlayman at 4:10 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 24 September 2006 9:39 PM BST
Saturday, 23 September 2006
Topic: This and That

Happy anniversary Jenn and Fred! Hope you both have a wonderful day together!


~Holly, Larry, and Ryan

Posted by hkvlayman at 10:12 PM BST
Friday, 22 September 2006
A Fun Run
Topic: This and That

I had fun Thursday night! I ran with the Harrogate Harriers (which has become a normal Tuesday night thing for me). One of the things that's fun about running with this group is that every single time I've gone, it's been a completely different experience: different weather, different amount of light (more on that later), different mix of people, and a different route. The fellow who leads our group, Keith, has been running around Harrogate for 30 years, so he really knows the lay of the land. He tries to mix it up so that every run is different. That definitely keeps it interesting. It does make it difficult to learn the runs, but I'm starting to recognize various bits and pieces that Keith mixes and matches.

There's a trail that goes around Harrogate and Knaresborough that's about 23 miles long (I can't for the life of me remember the official name of it right now). In a previous run with the HH's (Harrogate Harriers), I'd run on part of this trail. It was nice and even, and well marked, running through very scenic parts of the outskirts of town. This first impression led me to believe that all of the trail was such. Boy, was I ever mistaken! The wonderful thing about the UK (or at least North Yorkshire) is this trail not only cruises along nice and even paths, but also cuts through people's farms and fields. Several times during our run, we had to stop and climb over stiles. (Apparently farmers owning land the trail runs through are responsible for the upkeep of the stiles. I think they get some reimbursement from the local government to help with the cost.) The trail is marked - somewhat. There are very small signs on the stiles (about the diameter of a tennis ball), but there are sections where you definitely need to know the lay of the land or else get totally lost. The parts of the trail we ran over went through fields of sheep and horses. There was very long grass laying in waves over the ground, hiding deep holes made by livestock during wet spells. The combination of the grass and holes made for very effort intensive and dangerous running! I have to say though, the scenery was gorgeous, and I found it great fun to be running around through someone's farm land! Just the idea of it struck me as entertainingly novel. In the States, private property is just that: private. "Trespassers Will Be Shot," and all that. I just keep smiling and shaking my head that here, public footpaths go pretty much anywhere and everywhere, regardless. (Keith told us of a path he tries to avoid, because of the very close proximity to a homeowner's living room!)

Our run continued as dusk began to turn to night. I've always thought of dusk (and dawn) as magical times of day. After our adventure through the fields, we ran through some very "posh" areas with very nice houses. The air was pleasantly warm and heavy, a last touch of summer that felt good in my lungs and on my skin. I felt happy and light as I let my cares slip away, and simply enjoyed the semi-zen state my run had produced for me.

Towards the end of the run, I was feeling pretty good. A faster group broke away for the last mile or so, and I went with them. There was a girl near my age named Ellie, that I'd been chatting with off and on during the run. There's a thing that sometimes happens between runners towards the end of a run; the pace starts to quicken, an unspoken signal given, and undeniably, the race is on. Ellie thought she could out kick me. We both spared just enough breath for a quick laugh as we began our race to the end of the run. For a moment, I thought she might have me. Then I thought, "No!", put on a hard surge, and caught her. I think she was a little surprised. We were definitely both gassed! What she didn't realize, is nobody out kicks a Covert runner - current or former, no matter what kind of shape we're in! :)

I hadn't finished a run in that way in years. It was fun! The endorphins were pumping, and Ellie and I were enjoying the light camaraderie that forms between runners after a friendly competitive finish.

(I do have much more I want to post - about the air force ball, Ryan, and life in general. I haven't been able to get to the computer much lately, so I am very behind! Please bear with me, and I will try to get caught up as soon as possible. Thanks!)

Posted by hkvlayman at 10:03 PM BST
Updated: Saturday, 23 September 2006 10:29 PM BST
Thursday, 21 September 2006
Topic: This and That

Happy birthday Casey! Hope you have a wonderful day!


~Holly, Ryan, and Larry

Posted by hkvlayman at 3:42 PM BST
Wednesday, 20 September 2006
Topic: This and That

Happy birthday Grandpa Johns!!!

Much love,

~Larry, Ryan, and Holly

Posted by hkvlayman at 4:23 PM BST
Tuesday, 19 September 2006
Ryan's 2nd Birthday Party
Topic: Ryan


(Photo taken on our camera by Sarah.)

Link to Photo Album Ryan's 2nd Birthday

 We had Ryan's birthday party on Sunday, the day before his actual birthday, since it's not very feasible to have a party on a Monday!Smile The party was held in the aerobics room at MHS, from 11am to 1pm. The theme was Thomas the Tank Engine. We had a bouncy castle and helium filled balloons, both of which were a bit hit with the kiddos. There was fun and festive music. Larry made two mixed cds, consisting of mostly 80's music! Of course we had munchies and drinks, and pizza for lunch. I opted for cupcakes instead of one big cake. I figured most of the kids there were fairly young, and cupcakes would be so much easier than trying to cut a big cake. (Also there's a lot less mess, and no cutlery to worry about!) My Aunt Jean asked an astute question via e-mail: why is there only one candle on Ryan's cupcake? Well, I only thought to put one on there, that's why! Smile No one at the party said a thing about it!

There were only four families there, which turned out to be just the right amount. (There were nine kiddos there, including Ryan, and one infant.) All the kids could fit on the bouncy castle at once, and the feel of the party was nice. Speaking of nice, we noticed that all the kids there were very nice to one another, and very well behaved. Yay!

There was lots of bouncing, then food, then bouncing, then the birthday song and cake, then more bouncing before the little ones tired out and everyone went home.

Larry got video of Ryan being serenaded. It was so cute, Ryan clapped at the end! He tried to blow out his candle, but wasn't quite up to it!

We decided to open presents at home. The first couple of times I was at a birthday party where this happened, I was confused. However, then I realized that with most of the kids being very young, it would probably just be confusing to them, opening the gifts at the party.

We had Thomas goodie bags, of course! (Goodie bags and decorations courtesy of my Mom. Thank you so much, Mom!)

All in all, the party went really well. Everything went smoothly, and everybody had a good time.

Posted by hkvlayman at 2:33 PM BST
Monday, 18 September 2006
Topic: Ryan

Check Out Blinkyou.com for thousands of custom glitters and layouts

Happy 2nd Birthday Ryan!

Lot of love,

~Mama and Daddy

Posted by hkvlayman at 1:26 PM BST
Sunday, 17 September 2006
Birthday Party
Topic: Ryan

(Sarah took this wonderful snapshot for us on our camera!)

Today we had Ryan's birthday party (since his actual birthday is tomorrow). We had a great time, and I will try to post details soon. I just had to get his photo posted!

Posted by hkvlayman at 9:25 PM BST
Friday, 15 September 2006
Fountains Photos
Topic: Ryan

I realize it's been about three months since I said I would post Ryan's photo session at Fountains Abbey! (That's why I don't make statements like that anymore!) Finally, here they are! I think they turned out great. It was fun looking at them again! Enjoy!

Link to Photo Album Ryan at Fountains Abbey

Posted by hkvlayman at 1:31 PM BST
Wednesday, 13 September 2006
Topic: Day Trips

Here are the photos from Mother Shipton's Cave. I had a few more, but a bad memory card ate them. Yell

Link to Photo Album Mother Shipton's Cave

Posted by hkvlayman at 10:09 PM BST

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