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Greetings From Harrogate...
Sunday, 29 January 2006
Ryan Report
Topic: Ryan
(This photo was taken around this time last year. Thought it would be fun as a blast from the past. At the time it was one of my favorite Ryan photos.)
Not sure where to start. Over the last few days Ryan has alternated between angelic and demonic. He's going through a phase where if he doesn't get his way, he starts screaming and pitching a fit. I'm not sure if it's because Larry left, or if the beginning of this phase just happened to coincide with Larry leaving. Anyhow, it's definitely been wearing on my nerves. I try to just walk away from him when he does it, or if that's not an option (such as on the changing table), I try to tell him I understand that he's frustrated and it's ok, or I try to distract him will silly noises. I don't want to jinx anything, but this afternoon it seems to be a little better. We were having a dispute over going up and down the stairs. I finally figured out he was after something specific up there. He seemed to mellow after he got it. I know it's frustrating for him since he can't speak English yet. Anyhow, after he got what he wanted, I put up the baby gate and Ryan didn't protest. I told him he was a good boy. I figure positive reinforcement for his not throwing a fit once the baby gate was up could only be a good thing.
He's napping right now. I've been trying to avoid naps late in the day, but since he hasn't napped at all today, I don't think he'd make it until bedtime.

Posted by hkvlayman at 5:35 PM GMT
Saturday, 28 January 2006
Just Checking In/Random
Now Playing: 100 Greatest Pop Videos (As Voted by the British Public) Hosted by Jimmy Carr (whoever that is)
Topic: This and That
It's been a couple of days, so I thought I would post. There's a danger that I could ramble, so I will try to keep this short.
Ryan's in bed, but I can hear him kicking around in his crib upstairs. He's really tired, maybe too tired. That always boggled my mind that a kiddo could be too tired to sleep. How does that work???
I tried to go for a run today. After jogging almost four minutes, I decided I was going for a walk instead.
It was weird outside today, weather wise. It was foggy, but extremely locally. There was low fog around my house and part of the Stray, but then not too far down it was completely clear. I took a couple pictures of it I'll have to post. It was like Lower and Upper Uncton.
Not much is up. Talked to Larry briefly. I put the phone up to Ryan's ear and his face lit up when he heard his daddy's voice.

Posted by hkvlayman at 9:58 PM GMT
Thursday, 26 January 2006

Topic: This and That
I talked to Larry on the phone today. He sounded good. It was nice to hear his voice. He hadn't gone to his orientation yet, so there wasn't much to report. It's kind of nice that I've been to Goodfellow before, so I have a mental visual to go with where he is.
Today Ryan and I didn't do much besides look for a table cloth. Oh, I forgot to mention in the Ryan section that I took Ryan to the Darley Mill Center in his backpack. That place is not stroller friendly, and I didn't want to carry him (he's a bit squirly to try to let him walk). We got a few comments from other shoppers. One person said, "That's the way to go!" and their companion replied, "It sure is, but I'm not giving you a piggyback ride!"
Not too much exciting is going on at the moment. I think I will have some hot chocolate, watch an episode of Lost on DVD, then go to bed.

Posted by hkvlayman at 9:58 PM GMT
Updated: Thursday, 26 January 2006 10:00 PM GMT
Ryan Report
Now Playing: Washing machine, Blue purring, ER muted on tv
Topic: Ryan
Things went more smoothly tonight at bath and bedtime. Now hopefully Ryan won't wake up at some weird hour again..
Today we went back to the highchair. I'm a big believer in gradual transitions when possible. No reason to yank Ryan from his chair cold turkey. The main reason we went back to the chair was because Ryan seemed a little uncomfortable sitting on the wooden chair (we don't have any cushions yet), and he was getting up before he'd eaten much of anything.
Today Ryan and I went to the Darley Mill Center to look for a table cloth. No luck. Larry suggested Woolworth's, which is walking distance from our house. I think I'll try that.

Posted by hkvlayman at 9:49 PM GMT
Topic: Ryan
Ugh. I am tired.
Last night Ryan really missed his daddy. The closer it got to bed and bath time, the more Ryan was out of sorts. Daddy is always a part of bath and bedtime, and Ryan was NOT happy that daddy wasn't there.
For some reason, Ryan woke up at 2:45am and was awake for an hour. I kept hoping he would just go back to sleep. I kept falling back asleep before I could will myself to go check on him. (Ryan wasn't crying or anything, so I didn't feel the need to jump up.) Finally after about an hour, I got up and put his stuff back in his crib, put his pacifier back in his mouth, gave him a cuddle, and put him back down. That seemed to do the trick.
I don't know why I feel so tired today. Could be the weather. Could be the return to single parenting. Could be my sleep's been messed up lately. (I'm thinking all of the above.) Also, Ryan seems out of sorts. I can't tell if he's coming down with something, or if it's just what's referred to around here as, "the Harrogate Crud." Basically when the weather turned, Ryan's nose started running non-stop. It cleared up almost instantly after our arrival in California. A week or so after we got back to the UK, it started to come back. Now it's really going. So it's hard to tell if it's a slight cold, allergies, or what. He seems ok otherwise. No fever or anything. He seems a bit out of sorts, but that could be for all kinds of reasons (teething, daddy gone, etc.).
Anyhow, I know this blog has been very Ryan-centric. He's my focus right now.

Posted by hkvlayman at 10:15 AM GMT
Wednesday, 25 January 2006
Larry Left
Mood:  down
Topic: This and That
This morning at 4:45am, Larry left for BNCOC (basic NCO course). He'll be gone until April 2. I am a little down and lonely. There's plenty to do though and there are social things going on with the URG. Of course Ryan keeps me very busy!
Today we went for a jog together (me and Ryan) and later ran some errands on post and went to the bx and commissary. I hadn't been on post in a long time. With one car and living away from post, Larry would just take a list from me and do the shopping. That's nice that he shops, but it's also nice to actually get to look around myself now and then.
I need to go get Ryan up from his nap and figure out something for dinner. There's plenty to eat, since I just went to the store!

Posted by hkvlayman at 6:14 PM GMT
Table and Chairs
Topic: Ryan
For a while now it's been occurring to me that Ryan will soon grow out of his highchair. I also know that around his age now you're supposed to transition your kid out of the highchair. There's just one little problem: We don't have a dining room table. Larry and I follow the grand tradition of both my parents and his dad of just having a coffee table. I was at my next door neighbor's house last week, and noticed her two year old daughter had a really nice little table and chairs. I thought that might be the solution for Ryan. Yesterday Larry and Ryan and I went to IKEA and got a cute little table and two chairs. At dinner we sat Ryan down at his table and it worked out really well. The only problem was, the table and chairs aren't finished. After only one use they were sporting spaghetti sauce stains. *sigh* So I guess we will have to sand and finish the table. No biggie I suppose. I am just NOT a DIY kind of gal. Today I went to the bx in search of table cloths. No dice. The girl working there suggested Darley Mill, so I guess I have an excuse to go there now.
I have to say that Ryan rolls with things so well. I'm the one who has a hard time with his transitions. I just can't bring myself to put the highchair away just yet. Whenever Ryan reaches a new milestone or level of development, I'm always excited and proud. However, part of me is always a little wistful for the stage now past. So far Ryan has been great at letting me know when he's ready for what. I do believe he's the child development expert here!
(That picture was taken towards the end of September.)

Posted by hkvlayman at 6:03 PM GMT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 January 2006 6:06 PM GMT
Monday, 23 January 2006
Party Photos
Topic: Ryan
Link to Photo Album Party Pics Here are some more pictures from Winston's birthday party. Enjoy!
PS - I did something rude to Ryan today. I boiled his funky pacifier (upon suggestion from my friend, Theresa). I put that one next to the new one he's been rejecting. He put the boiled one in his mouth, took it out, put in the other one, gave me a look like, "What the heck?" then put the boiled one back in, and in it's stayed.

Posted by hkvlayman at 9:37 PM GMT
Updated: Monday, 23 January 2006 9:43 PM GMT
Sunday, 22 January 2006
Part II
Topic: Ryan
I forgot to mention another thing Ryan says a lot, which is, "ha," the first part of the word, "hot." If we say "hot," he'll say, "ha." He also says it if he sees us drinking something out of a mug. And how can I forget one of Ryan's favorite things to say? "No." He mostly makes the sound of the word, rather than meaning it. Although, sometimes it would seem that "no" means "no."
So I suppose Ryan says a lot more than I gave him credit for.
On the crib-climb front, Larry arranged it so we can have a baby gate at the foot of the stairs (the stairs in old Victorian style homes just weren't made for accommodating baby gates), and one in Ryan's door. We would have liked to have had the one upstairs set up so that Ryan could come into our room if he wanted, but the way the house is, that just isn't possible. It may be that Ryan won't climb out of his crib for a while or ever, but we did need baby gates anyway. It's nice to not have to worry about him getting halfway up the stairs before I can catch him. I do plan on letting Ryan get plenty of practice going up and (especially) down the stairs, but now I get to pick and choose when! Let me add that the cats are not at all happy about the gates. Our cats are lazy even for cats, and although they are perfectly capable of jumping the gate, they prefer to meow plaintively on whatever side of the gate they're on at the time.

Posted by hkvlayman at 9:06 PM GMT
Ryan Report
Topic: Ryan
Lately Ryan's started walking in our shoes. I thought it was cute so I took a picture.
The following was inspired by Kate's recent blog entry about her daughter's expanding vocabulary:
Ryan does "talk" up a storm. It's just not in any language I understand. However, for several months now, things have been creeping in that sound like parts of words, or maybe even almost whole words. (This is not including the "dada" and "mama" sounds made early on.) The first one I remember is "gah" as in the first part of the word, "gone." After feeding him, I would say, "All gone," and Ryan would say, "gah." Before we came to the States for Christmas, Ryan said, "Yay!" (I think I wrote about that.) Last night I was talking to Ryan/myself saying that I needed to organize Ryan's clothes. Then Ryan said, "cwo," which sounded like he was trying to say the first syllable of "clothes." Today he actually said the word, "toe." On the changing table I name body parts (legs, feet, toes) and I grabbed his toe and he said, "toe." Yay! It's so cute to hear his voice say actual words. It's different than his babbling. It's as if he's trying out a foreign language, which I suppose is what he's doing. He's fluent in his own language, but he's slow and deliberate when trying out English. As excited as I am about his starting to almost talk in our language, I will miss hearing him speak in his own.
PS - I have to say that Ryan is taking the mother of all naps right now. He's been down almost three hours! He was up at 7:30 this morning, and just would not nap until around 1:45pm. Sometimes he gets all over the place with naps, but it usually evens out eventually.

Posted by hkvlayman at 3:21 PM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 22 January 2006 4:38 PM GMT

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